Anna Lybezayt's 27 May 1706 Birth or Baptism

Research note by Wesley Johnston - begun 4 Mar 2022; last updated 5 Mar 2022


If you search for Hřešice at the result is three sets of records, with signatures L183/1, L183/2 and L183/3.

L183/1 are records of Vrbno nad Lesy for 1661-1710.

L183/2 are records of Vrbno nad Lesy for 1668-1705. I did not understand the difference between what is in L183/1 and L183/2.

L183/3 are records of Vrbno nad Lesy for 1706-1784.

In L183/1, image 32 (also page 32 at the top but 63 at the bottom) is at this permalink (although I find that Vademecum permalinks often fail):

The URL when viewing the image is

This image has L and M surname entries in an index. There is one Lieberzeit family member on the left side page (the L page with number 62 at the bottom).

NOTE: the page numbers at the bottom appear to be sequential throughout the entire series of images and were probably entered later than the numbers at the top of the page. The bottom numbers appear on both the left and right images in sequence with two page numbers per image. The top numbers appear only on right images with only one page number per image. The top numbers are a jumbled mess in this book. The book may have been a later binding together of books that were previously separate. Each new section has a large capital letter at the top right of the right page. The letters are in sequence, and the page numbering seems to be in sequence within these letters but not from one letter to the next. Thus it is unclear just where the index references are in the book.

Each lettered section also has its own chronological sequence. Thus a date of 1706 appears in many different lettered sections.

Compounding the confusion further, the book contains births, marriages and burials.

And all of this confusion is the essence of the problem.

The index image shows Anna LYBEZAYT, daughter of Jan and Marie of Hřešice was either born or baptized 27 May 1706 and gives the reference that appears to read "I (the capital letter I) 35". In fact, every reference in the index appears to be to the letter I followed by a number, some of which go as high as the 700s.

The reference numbers are clearly NOT in chronological order. Immediately after Anna's entry is a 1696 Anna with the village column blank, possibly indicating that this is also an entry for Hřešice. But the reference is to "I 72" so that if the numbers are page numbers, then the 1696 record is 37 pages after the 1706 record which does not make sense.

So, it is not at all clear just what the reference number means and how to use it to find the record.

Fortunately, my hours of trying to understand this volume led me to stumble on the record image: image 20, which has page number 18 at the top and 35 at the bottom. So, apparently the numbers in the index refer to the bottom page numbers. It appears that the index was created later and bound after the first section. The book is a jumbled mess. But the index does work once you see how it works.

There are supposed to be indexes to the marriages and burials. I do not know if this index includes all three vital events, but I suspect that this image is the only one for all three types. The index begins on image 24. The only LIEBERZEIT family member listed in the index is Anna.

So, the record on image 20 shows that Anna was baptized 27 May 1706 and that her father was Jan LYBEZAYT of Rzessiz with mother Marya and godparents with names I do not recognize.

The permalink for this image is

The URL when viewing the page is

 The citation that I would give in the description field for her birth and baptism -- if it would fit -- is:

== Vrbno nad Lesy "N • 1665-1707 O • 1661-1701 Z • 1690-1710 I-N • 1665-1707 I-O • 1661-1701 I-Z • 1690-1710" Litomerice Archive Sig L183/1, Inv 8899, im 20, p 18 (top) & 35 (bottom) ==

Additional Lieberzeit in Signature L183/1

While attempting to find Anna's baptismal record, I discovered in passing that Kaspar Lieberzeit (brother of Anna's father and my own 7th great grandfather) was the Levans for the baptism of a child 17 May 1699. The permalink for this record (image 64, top page number 98, bottom page number 197) is:

The child was Jakub son of Jan Saba and Marzena with Kaspar as the first Levans.

Signature L183/2 Search

The L surname index for L183/2 is on image 193. It includes births, marriages and deaths. There are no Lieberzeit entries. The permalink for this image is:

 Signature L183/3 Non-Search

 This book has no index, and I did not search it.