Selected Church Records of Culemborg (Gelderland), Netherlands
by Wesley Johnston
Last Updated May 2, 2007
This web page contains references to various records that I found in the church records of Culemborg. My search began with an attempt to find the baptismal record of Gerrit van Wijk whose marriage record in 1793 in Amsterdam said that he was age 30 and born at Kuylenburg (the old spelling for Culemborg), thus born about 1763. The criteria for my selection of records on this web page arose from this purpose. I began with the Dutch Reformed records, but then I moved to the Catholic records when I learned that he was Roman Catholic in his adult life. I also learned (after the Dutch Reformed search but before the Catholic searches) that Gerrit apparently had a sister named Antje van Wijk, who I also searched from that point on.
- Culemborg Dutch Reformed Church Records
- Baptisms (Doppen)
- Marriages (Trouwen)
- Culemborg Evangelical (Lutheran) Church Records
- Culemborg Roman Catholic Church Records
- Oud Katholieke Kerk (Old Catholic Church)
- Rooms Katholieke Kerk (Roman Catholic Church)
Culemborg Dutch Reformed Church Records
Baptisms (Doppen)
I searched the LDS Family History Library International Microfilm number 108668. I noted all children named Gerrit and all parents named VAN WIJK for the years 1753-1769, inclusive. In the instances below where only one name is given, it is that of the child, unless otherwise noted. The records are all in hand-written Dutch. Where there is a question about my transcription of a word, I have included a question mark (?).
- 1753
- 14 November: Gerrig VAN SPRANG
- 1754
- 6 March: Gerrit VAN DEVEN? [I wonder now if I missed a connection to the next line so that it might have been VAN DEVENTER?]
- 17 March
- Father: Elbert VAN WIJK [There was a mother's name, but I did not note it.]
- Child: Wessel
- 30 June: Gerrit and Elizabeth GERBERG [apparently twins?]
- 20 July
- Father: Willem VAN WIJCK
- Mother: Maria VAN SANTEN (or VAN ZANTEN)
- Child: Dirck
- 26 November
- Father: Hermannus? VAN WIJK
- Mother: Maria VAN METEREN
- Child: Cornelia
- 1755
- 1756
- 5 September: Gerrit VAN DEVENTER
- 1757
- 16 February
- Father: Hermandus VAN WIJK
- Mother: Maria VAN MEETEREN
- Child: Cornelis
- 14 July: Gerrit VAN ANTWERPEN
- 23 August
- Father: Willem VAN WIJK
- Mother: Maria VAN LANTEN
- Child: Hermina
- 1759
- 28 February: Gerrit VAN HAIJBELT?
- 21 February: Gerrit VAN GIJSBARTUS? [I wonder if I had the day or month wrong on this, since it is clearly out of chronological order.]
- 29 July: Gerrit VAN VUEREN
- 2 September
- Father: Hermandus VAN WIJK
- Mother: Maria VAN MEETEREN
- Children: Arnout and Dorothea
- 1760
- 20 April
- Father: Herme VAN HASENDONK?
- Mother: Jannigie VAN WIJK
- Child: Dirkje
- 21 September: Gerrit KREER
- 22 October: Gerrit HENDRICK
- 20 April
- Father: Jacobus VAN WYK
- Mother: Elisabeth VAN WYK [They really are both VAN WYK.]
- Child: Dirke?
- 1761
- 29 March
- Father: Cornelis DEENIK
- Mother: Catharina Elizabeth VAN WIJK
- Child: Christina
- 30 April
- Father: Hermen VAN HASENDONK
- Mother: Jannigie VAN WIJK
- Child: Johanna
- 26 December: Gerred PESSERDE? (or maybe PESSERSE?)
- 1763
- 18 September
- Father: Dirk? VAN WIJCK [The first name Willem is written over in a spreading ink that might read "Dirk". Otherwise, these appear to be the same parents as in the 20 July 1754 baptism. The "E.L." to indicate a legitimate birth is present on this baptism.]
- Mother: Maria VAN SANTEN (or VAN ZANTEN)
- Child: Willem
- 21 December
- Father: Gerred VAN LANTEN
- Mother: Maria VAN VEEN
- Child: Gerred
- 1764
- 29 September [same parents as in 2 August 1767 baptism]
- Father: Jacobes? VAN WYK
- Mother: Petronella STAPPERSHOEF?
- Child: Neeltje
- 1766
- 8 July: Gerrit VAN SANTEN
- 1767
- 2 August
- Father: Jacobus VAN WYK
- Mother: Petronella STAPPERHOEF?
- Child: Dirkje
- 1768
- 27 March
- Father: Hermen VAN HASENDONK
- Mother: Jannetje VAN WIJK
- Child: Johannes
- 1769
- 13 August: Gerrit VAN DEVENTER
Culemborg Dutch Reformed Church Records
Marriages (Trouwen)
I searched the LDS Family History Library International Microfilm number 0896333. I noted all instances of VAN WIJK (or variants) for the years 1748-1770, inclusive. All of the records are on cards, one marriage per card, with the same pre-printed fields: "Trouwakte d. d." (usually given as a date range), "Man", "Vrouw", and "Getuigen" (witnesses). Almost all of the witness fields were blank. In one case, hand-writing preceded the printed "Trouwakte d. d."; I have rendered that hand-writing in italics. I have put the months into English spellings. The originals are all in Dutch. The transcriptions are the best rendering that I could make of the handwritten entries. The rendering of text between question marks is uncertain. I believe that the common abbeviations "J. M." and "J. D." mean "young man" and "young daughter".
- 1749
- 19 April - 4 May
- Man: Willem VAN WULLISWAND, wedr. van Nieltja VAN DE WAIPEN, geb. won. "alhier"
- Vrouw: Lena SPRUIT, wedo. van Drink VAN WIJK, geb. "te ??'s Del??", won. "alhier"
- Getugien:
- 1753
- 5 May
- Man: Gijsbert VAN WIJK, J. M. geb. en won. "??tatech??"
- Vrouw: Clara DE CLERQ, J. D. geb. en won. "hier"
- Getugien: Attestatie gegeven
- 1754
- 12 october - 6 November
- Man: Aart VAN WIJCK, wedr. van Aartje VAN ABIDDLEKOOP
- Vrouw: Gertruijd BOORNHOUWEN, wedo. van Ob Jacob TEBORG
- beide won "hier"
- Getugien:
- 1757
- 23 January
- Man: Herman JANSSEN van Hasalandonk
- Vrouw: Jannetje VAN WIJCK J. D. geb. "te Cuijlemburg" won. "te Ravenswaij"
- Getugien: Attestatie gegeven
- 1758
- 4-29 November
- Man: Hendrik Godfried RICHELLE, J. M. geb. "te Nijmegen"
- Vrouw: Jahormina VAN WIJK, J. D. geb. "te Utrecht"
- beide won. "aldaar"
- Getugien:
Culemborg Evangelical (Lutheran) Church Records
Baptisms (Doppen)
I searched the LDS Family History Library International Microfilm number 108671. Section 411 was the complete registers of the Evangelical community (gemeente) - baptisms, marriages (including announcements), communions, deaths for the years 1664-1778. I searched the baptismal records for the years 1750-1770, inclusive, looking for anyone named named VAN WIJK (or variant spellings). The records are all in hand-written Dutch.
RESULTS: No one named VAN WIJK (or variants) was found in the baptisms from 1750-1770, inclusive.
Culemborg Old Catholic Church Records
Baptisms (Doppen)
I searched the LDS Family History Library International Microfilm number 108671. Section 419 was baptisms for the years 1727-1811. I searched 1750-1772, inclusive. I noted all entries where there was any mention (father, mother, sponsor) of someone named VAN WIJK (or variant spellings). The records are all in hand-written Latin (filius = son, filia = daughter, dates are converted to English below). Where there is a question about my transcription of a word, I have included a question mark (?). The records of the old Catholic church have far fewer births per year than the other Catholic church in Culemborg.
- 1765
- 20 April: Baptisatus est Wilhelm [could be Wilhelmus] Ottho filius legitimus Wilhelm VER MOULEN et L???? VAN ?OIJRENDOVEN? Conjugum, quem suscepit Gertruidis VAN WYCK
- 1771
- 17 January: Baptisatus est Lambertus filius legitimus Joannis VAN BEUREKOM et Helena VAN HASSBERGEN Conjugum, quem susceperunt Helena VAN WYK et Lambertus VAN BEUREKOM
Culemborg Roman Catholic Church Records
Baptisms (Doppen)
I searched the Catholic church records on LDS Family History Library International Microfilm number 108672 (which also contains the Evangelical (Lutheran) church records). Section 413 was baptisms for the years 1710-1772. I searched 1756-1768, inclusive. I noted all entries where there was any mention (father, mother, sponsor) of someone named VAN WIJK (or variant spellings). The records are all in hand-written Latin (filius = son, filia = daughter, dates are converted to English below). Where there is a question about my transcription of a word, I have included a question mark (?). The records of the old Catholic church of Culemborg have far fewer births per year than does this Catholic church.
NOTE: There are several entries with the surname either VAN VANWYCK or VAN PANWYCK, which I did not record. None of these entries were for children named Gerrit or Antje (or variant spellings of these).
- 1756
- 17 September: Joanna filia legitima Joannis ?Theidosi? DEN BOEL et Gerardce BALWENS suscepit Joanna VAN WYCK
- 1758
- 19 April: Aleijdis et Joanna geminae filiae legitimae Aegidii VAN EVERDINGEN et Hendrina VAN WIJCK suscepit Maria STICHLERSPRE, Francisco VAN EVERDINGEN, ?secundion? pro Jda VAN WIJCK
- 1761
- 23 January: Otto filius Cornelis VAN WYCK et Marie VERMEULEN suscepit ?Aerie? VERMEULEN
- 1762
- 27 January: Adrianus filius legitimus Arnold VAN MIDDELKOOP et Petronella DE HAAR suscepit Maria MARLOT pro Jacoba VAN WIJK
- 30 January: Antonius filius legitimus Cornelis VAN EVERDINGEN et Joanna WERKHOOVEN suscepit Hendrina VAN WIJK pro Maria VAN EVERDINGEN
- 16 September: Steijntie filia legitima Hendrici VAN WYK et Reijktie VERMEULEN suscepit Hendrina VERMEULEN
- 1763
- 2 February: Jacomyntje filia illegitima Elisabeth ?SCHUURMAN? suscepit Maria VAN WIJK
- 1765
- 8 February: Judith filia legitima Cornelis VAN WYCK [could be PAN WYCK, since the initial letter swoops way down, which is how the writer wrote the letter p in the name Joseph in another entry] et Maria VERMEULEN suscepit Reijekje VERMEULEN
- 1767
- 26 July: Otto filius legitimus Cornelis VANNE WIJK [could be PANNE WIJK] et Maria VERMEULEN suscepit Rijkje VANNE WIJK [could be PANNE WIJK]
- 1768
- 15 February: Arnoldus filius legitimus Henrici VAN SUIJEN et Jacoba VAN WYCK suscepit Engelberta VAN SUYDEN pro Pietronella VAN MIDDELKOOP
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Wesley Johnston
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