Wesley Johnston's Lake Family in the American Revolution
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to conceive.
Last updated March 26, 2025 - Add Burgoyne report, Faden Map links

This is a web page where I am gathering information about my ancestral Lake family and related families during the American Revolution. My ancestor Christopher Lake was a Loyalist who fought for the British side with Gen. Burgoyne's forces in 1777 until he was captured at the Battle of Bemis Heights. The Battle of Bennington was fought on land either owned by or very close to the 5,000 acres King George III had granted to Christopher's father John Lake and John's 3 borthers and their sister's husband Arendt van Corlaer (1,000 acres each) - land that was confiscated from them after the Revolution so that they all went to Canada (in Ernestown Township and vicinity). -- Wesley Johnston

Tools to quickly research two Ontario online resources.


Lake and related Family Members
Lake Family in the Revolution
Click on image for PDF

Queen's Loyal Rangers of Lt. Col. John Peters

The Battle of Bennington, 16 August 1777 in New York

The Battle of Bemis Heights, 7 October 1777 in New York

Canada Land Petitions and Settlement

Send E-mail to wwjohnston01@yahoo.com
Copyright © 2025 by Wesley Johnston
All rights reserved