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Wesley Johnston's Dutch Family Tree - Boezel, van Wijk and many more

Martha Van Wyk

Female 1889 -



Martha Vanwyk Birth

Record Number 678; born 27 Sep 1889; Martha Vanwyk; female, white; birthplace Allendale [Township, Ottawa County]; Parents: John & Hattie Vanwyk, both residing Allendale, both born Netherlands, father occupation: farmer; date of record [date county transcript made for state] 3 Jun 1890

File nameMartha Vanwyk Birth.jpg
File Size6.36m
Dimensions4747 x 3546
Linked toHendrika Henrietta Hattie Ensing; Johannes Gerrits John Gerritt Van Wijk Van Wyck; Martha Van Wyk; Martha Van Wyk (Birth)