15 May 1868: Jannes' son Gerrit van Wijk and his family left Grootegast in Groningen to come to Grand Rapids
Gerrit married in Friesland. He was a young copper smith, trying to find a town in which he could become the copper smith. He would move to a town and stay for 2 or 3 years, having children in each town along the way, as he failed to become the preferred copper smith in one town and so moved on to another town. Eventually, he gave up on Friesland and tried his fortune at Grootegaast in Groningen, but his luck was the same there. So he finally gave up being a copper smith altogether and moved to America. [My great thanks to my Veenstra-line cousin's husband Sibbele Postma. As he drove me around Friesland for 3 days visiting ancestral towns in 2007, we came to the recognition of what all those children born in all those different towns must have meant. So this version of how and why Gerrit moved and emigrated is not found anywhere; it is the deduction of Sibbele and I from the evidence.]
We know the exact date that Gerrit and his family left Grootegast since all arrivals and departures in the town were required to register, which was recorded. [Thanks to Gerben de Jong for finding and sending the Grootegast document images.] Gerrit's oldest son Johannes did not come with the family but followed them in 1871. All of the children were born in the Netherlands (all in Friesland except Johannes and Wiebe), and many of them died there. The ones who survived and came to America are shown in red and have links you can click to go directly to their families.
Gerrit Jannes van Wijk married 10 Jun 1849 (in Lemsterland, Friesland) with Martjen Wybes Feenstra (15 Apr 1825 Oudermirdum - 7 Mar 1904 Blendon Township (Ottawa County), Michigan)
from Tresoar.nl: Gerrit Jannes van Wijk, 23, geboren Joure, gemeente Haskerland - Jannes van Wijk en Janke Tjittes Smit - Martjen Wybes Feenstra, 24, geboren Oudemirdum, gemeente Gaasterland - Wybe Douwes Feenstra en Grietje Robijns de Jong - 10 juni 1849, akte nr. 27 [Gerrit Jannes van Wijk, 23, born at Joure (community of Haskerland), son of Jannes van Wijk and Janke Tjittes Smit - Martjen Wybes Feenstra, 24, born Oudermirdum (community Gasterland), daughter of Wybe Douwes Feenstra and Grietje Robijns de Jong - married 10 Jun 1849, record number 27]
- dau - Janke Gerrits van Wijk (20 Jul 1849 Lemmer, Friesland - 20 Nov 1864 Grootegast, Groningen
) - died age 15
from Tresoar.nl: Geboorteakte Lemsterland, 1849 Aangiftedatum 28 juli 1849, blad nr. 44 Janke van Wijk, geboren 28 juli 1849 Dochter van Gerrit Jannes van Wijk en Martje Wiebes Feenstra [Birth Records Lemsterland, 1849 Report Date 28 Jul 1849, page no. 44 Janke van Wijk, born 28 Jul 1849 daughter of Gerrit Jannes van Wijk and Martje Wiebes Feenstra]
- son - Johannes Gerrits van Wijk (15 Feb 1851 Oldmarkt, Overijssel - after 1930 Grant Township (Newaygo County), Michigan)
- dau - Willemke Gerrits van Wijk (3 Jul 1853 Akkrum, Friesland - 1938 Michigan)
- dau - Grietje Gerrits van Wijk (29 Mar 1856 Kollum, Friesland - 20 Aug 1915 Chicago, Illinois)
- son - Willem Gerrits van Wijk (19 Dec 1857 Kollum, Friesland - 21 Dec 1857 Kollum, Friesland) - age 2 days
- son - Willem Gerrits van Wijk (c 24 Jan 1861 Friesland - 28 Mar 1861 Westdongeradeel, Friesland) - age 9 weeks
- son - Willem Gerrits van Wijk (4 Aug 1862 Westdongeradeel, Friesland - after 1930 Wyoming Township (Kent County), Michigan)
- son - Wiebe Gerrits van Wijk (1 Jun 1865 Grootegast, Groningen
- 7 Jun 1865 Grootegast, Groningen ) - 6 days
The family's registration at Grootegast was first made when they arrived from Westdongeradeel on 25 May 1864. Apparently Janke joined them later, since the ditto marks in column 14 (arrival date) do not include her and also since she is out of birth order. Wiebe was added when he was born the year after they arrived. Their religion (column 11) is "Ned Herv" or Dutch Reformed.
-- Janke was the first to be crossed out, when she died (column 18) 29 Nov 1864.
-- Wiebe was next, when he died 7 Jun 1865.
-- The next to leave was Johannes, who went 11 Mar 1867 (column 16) to the town of Kampen. There is a place called Kampen in Friesland, just west of Witmarsum, but it may have been the Kampen in Overijssel. Johannes did not come to America until 1871, which is known from the 1910 and 1920 U. S. Censuses. I do not have the records for him at Kampen. However the Historiche Centrum Overijssel's online database of emigrants (Landverhuizers 1847-1908) does show a Theodoo M. van Wijk, age 21, going to South Africa in 1896. I have no record of such a person in connection to our van Wijk family, but it could be that Johannes was going to stay with relatives at Kampen in Overijssel in 1867.
-- The rest of the family all left for Grand Rapids on 15 Jun 1868.
While they did come to Grand Rapids and did appear in Grand Rapids (Kent County) in the 1870 Census, they must have moved to Fillmore (Allegan County) soon after 1870, since Grietje gives Fillmore as her residence at her 28 Sep 1872 marriage in Grand Rapids, and Gerrit himself was living in Fillmore when he was a witness to Johannes' 24 Jul 1875 marriage in Fillmore (although Johannes was then living in Saugutuck). By the 1880 Census, Gerrit had moved to Allendale Township (Ottawa County), which was where Johannes and Willemke (married to Jacob Wierda) and Willem also lived. Only Grietje (married to Jan Boezel) was living elsewhere in 1880, in Grand Rapids. At some point between 1880 and the 1900 Census, Gerrit moved to Blendon Township (Ottawa County), where he and Martha (Martje's Americanized name) died.
Johannes Gerrits van Wijk (15 Feb 1851 Oldmarkt, Overijssel - after 1930 Grant Township (Newaygo County), Michigan)
As noted in the discussion of the Grootegast register above, Johannes left the family 11 Mar 1867, while they were all living in Grootegast, and he went to Kampen, possibly in Friesland but also possibly in Overijssel. He did not come to America until 1871, age 20, still single. In America, he went by the name John.
Johannes Gerrits van Wijk married 24 Jul 1875 (at Fillmore [Allegan County], Michigan) with Hendrika Ensing (Mar 1855 Netherlands - after 1930 Grant Township (Newaygo County), Michigan)
Hendrika went by the names Henrietta and Hattie. Her family had arrived in 1868 and thus did appear in the 1870 Census of Saugutuck. She was apparently not from Friesland, since I can find no record for her in Tresoar.
The couple were both living in Saugutuck, and their fathers were their witnesses. Her father was also living in Saugutuck, but Gerrit was living in Fillmore, where the marriage took place. By 1880, the couple was living in Allendale Township (Ottawa County). Then between 1880 and 1900, they moved to Grant Township (Newaygo County), where they lived out their days.
1-Johannes Gerrits John Gerritt VAN WIJK VAN WYK b. 15 Feb 1851, Oldemarkt,
Overijssel, Netherlands
+Hendrika Henrietta Hattie ENSING b. Mar 1855, Netherlands, m. 24
Jul 1875, Fillmore, Allegan, Michigan, USA, par. Jan John ENSING and Hendrika
(Married Ensing)
....1.1-Gerritt VANWYKE VAN WYK b. Abt 1876, Michigan
+Phylisia HAGLEND b. Abt 1894, m. 29 Jan 1925, White Cloud, Newaygo,
Michigan, USA, par. Charles HAGLEND and Belle BARTON
........1.1.1-Robert VAN WYK b. Abt 1927
....1.2-John VANWYKE b. 15 Apr 1877, Michigan, USA, d. May 1974
+Gertie DEFOUW b. 26 Mar 1883, d. abt 1969
........1.2.1-Gertrude H. VANWYK b. 24 Jan 1913, d. 18 May 1998, Holland,
Ottawa, Michigan, USA
+William E Willis Sr BORR b. 18 Jun 1908, Holland, Ottawa, Michigan,
USA, d. 12 Mar 1988, Holland, Ottawa, Michigan, USA, par. Hendrik Henry BORR
and Martha JACOBS
....1.3-Henry VAN WYKE b. Nov 1883, Michigan
....1.4-Mysta VAN WIJK VAN WYCK b. Abt 29 May 1884, Michigan, USA, d. 22 Oct
1889, Allendale Township, Ottawa, Michigan, USA
....1.5-Hattie VAN WYKE b. Mar 1888, Michigan
....1.6-Martha VAN WYK b. 27 Sep 1889, Allendale Township, Ottawa, Michigan, USA
+Gerrit BARTLES b. Abt 1891, Sherman Township, Newaygo, Michigan, USA, m.
11 Jun 1913, Wooster, Newaygo, Michigan, USA, par. Henry BARTLES and Hattie
........1.6.1-Henrietta BARTLES b. Abt 1915, Michigan, USA
........1.6.2-Harold BARTLES b. Abt 1917, Michigan, USA
+William Henry ADAMS b. Jun 1878, Manistee, Manistee, Michigan, USA, m. 3
Oct 1925, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA, par. Octave ADAMS and Celia
........1.6.3-Gerald ADAMS b. Abt 1926
....1.7-Wilhelmine Minnie VANWYK b. 10 Feb 1892, Allendale Townhsip, Ottawa,
Michigan, USA
+Neik Nicholas Nick VAN ZALK b. Abt 1890, Michigan, USA, m. 11 Sep 1919,
Holland, Ottawa, Michigan, USA
........1.7.1-James VAN ZALK b. Abt 1921
........1.7.2-Henrietta VAN ZALK b. Abt 1922
....1.8-William VAN WYK b. Jan 1893, Michigan
+Marie Mary DE WINTER b. Abt 1892, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA, m.
17 Nov 1917, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA, par. Peter C. DE WINTER
....1.9-Berdena Dena VAN WYKE b. 27 Jun 1895, Allendale Townhsip, Ottawa,
Michigan, USA - nothing known of her after 1910 census
....1.10-Johannes John VAN WYKE VANWYK b. 27 Jul 1898, Michigan, USA, d. 2 May
1979, Ellenton, Manatee, Florida, USA
+Grace SLAGER b. Abt 1897, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA, m. 27 Jul
1918, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA, d. 1978, Ellenton, Manatee, Florida,
USA, par. John SLAGER and Pearl COON
........1.10.1-Jacob William Jack VAN WYK b. 2 Aug 1920, Michigan, USA, d. 10
Jul 2004, Huntington, Huntington, Indiana, USA
........1.10.2-Pearl VAN WYK b. Abt 1920
........1.10.3-Bertha VAN WYK b. Abt 1921
........1.10.4-Arthur VAN WYK b. Abt 1923
........1.10.5-Loran K VAN WYK b. 15 Sep 1925
........1.10.6-Hazel VAN WYK b. Abt 1927
........1.10.7-Gerald VAN WYK b. Abt 1929
Willemke Gerrits van Wijk (3 Jul 1853 Akkrum, Friesland - 1938 Michigan)
Willemke, which is the Dutch form for Wilhelmina, also went by the name Mary in America, and also appears in at least one record as Helena.
Willemke Gerrits van Wijk married 6 Jan 1870 (at Grand Rapids [Kent County], Michigan) with Jakob Cornelis Wierda (16 Jun 1846 Holwerd, Friesland - 26 Sep 192 Allendale Township (Ottawa County), Michigan)
1-Willemke Gerrits Mary Wilhelmina Helena VAN WIJK b. 3 Jul 1853, Akkrum,
Utingeradeel, Friesland, Holland, d. 27 Apr 1938, Allendale Township, Ottawa,
Michigan, USA
+Jakob Kornelis Jacob WIERDA b. 16 Jun 1846, Holwerd, Westdongeradeel,
Friesland, Netherlands, m. 6 Jan 1870, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA, d.
26 Sep 1921, Allendale Townhsip, Ottawa, Michigan, USA, par. Cornelis Baukes
Kornelis Cornelius WIERDA and Marijke Hendriks HUIZENGA
....1.1-Cornelius WIERDA b. 5 Jan 1872, Saugutuck, Allegan, Michigan, USA, d. 4
Jul 1892, Allendale, Ottawa, Michigan, USA
....1.2-Martha WIERDA b. 19 Feb 1874, Allendale Township, Ottawa, Michigan,
USA, d. 19 Dec 1959, Michigan, USA
+Joseph ANTONIDES b. 22 Jul 1872, Netherlands, m. 31 May 1894, Grand
Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA, d. 27 Sep 1927, par. Floris ANTONIDES and Aaltje
........1.2.1-Alice Marie ANTONIDES b. 16 Mar 1895, Michigan, USA, d. 22 Mar
1973, Compton, Los Angeles, California, USA
+Guy Charles RITTENBURG b. 13 Jul 1894, Allendale Township, Ottawa,
Michigan, USA, m. 19 Feb 1914, Allendale Township, Ottawa, Michigan, USA, d. 15
Jan 1968, Compton, Los Angeles, California, USA, par. Charles RITTENBURG and
Elizabeth Grace JENKINS
............ Guy RITTENBURG b. 25 Jan 1920, Michigan, USA, d. 22
Aug 1957, , Los Angeles, California, USA
............ Selden RITTENBURG b. 28 Feb 1924, Allendale
Township, Ottawa, Michigan, USA, d. 26 Apr 2000, Walnut Creek, Contra Costa,
California, USA
+Ethel Marianne GILLISON b. 11 Jan 1929, Los Angeles County,
California, USA, m. 29 Jan 1949, Hollydale, CA, d. 5 Nov 1986, Contra Costa
County, California, USA
................ Anne RITTENBURG b. 1 Aug 1952, Ft. Belvoir,
Fairfax, Virginia, USA, d. 1 Mar 1992, Kettering, Montgomery, Ohio, USA
............ Vincent RITTENBURG b. 8 Oct 1925, Michigan, USA, d. 10
Apr 1973, Compton, Los Angeles, California, USA
............ RITTENBERG b. Abt 1928
............ Joan RITTENBURG b. 1930, d. 1999
........1.2.2-Wilhelmina C ANTONIDES b. Jul 1896, Michigan, d. 23 Nov 1908,
Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA
........1.2.3-Florina Florence ANTONIDES b. 15 Feb 1900, Grand Rapids, Kent,
Michigan, USA, d. 21 Apr 1902, Charlotte, Eaton, Michigan, USA
........1.2.4-Joseph W ANTONIDES b. 14 Sep 1909, Michigan, d. 2 Nov 1997, Sun
City, Maricopa, Arizona, USA
........1.2.5-Willard Jacob ANTONIDES b. 25 Sep 1913, Michigan, d. 27 Oct 1986,
East Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA
+June M. WITCOP b. 11 Jun 1915, d. 30 Mar 1993, East Grand Rapids,
Kent, Michigan, USA
............ Allen ANTONIDES b. 7 Apr 1946, Allendale Township,
Ottawa, Michigan, USA, d. 20 Apr 1946
....1.3-Maria Mary WIERDA b. 18 Apr 1876, Saugutuck, Allegan, Michigan, USA, d.
1964, Michigan, USA
+Theodore VAN HET LOO VANLOO b. Abt 1869, Netherlands, m. 25 Dec 1897,
Allendale Township, Ottawa, Michigan, USA, par. E VAN HET LOO and Johanna OLSMAN
........1.3.1-Elbert VAN HET LOO VANLOO VANHETLOO b. Abt 1898, Fulton,
Whiteside, Illinois, USA
+Lillian VAN DER HEIDE b. Abt 1899, Vogel Center, Missaukee, Michigan,
USA, m. 16 Sep 1922, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA, par. H, A, VAN DER
............ J VANHETLOO b. 21 Jun 1924
+Geraldine MOORE b. Abt 1926
............ VANHETLOO b. 28 May 1926, d. 13 May 1986, East Grand
Rapids, Kent, Michigan
+Carley M. WARDEN b. 10 Feb 1927, Michigan, USA, d. 6 Apr 2003,
Grand Ledge, Eaton, Michigan, USA, par. Paul Z WARDEN and Edna OLNEY
................ Scott VANHETLOO b. 14 Jul 1953, Michigan, USA,
d. 24 Feb 1981, Sebring, Highlands, Florida, USA
............ VANHETLOO b. Abt 1929
........1.3.2-Johanna VANHETLOO b. 15 Apr 1900, Fulton, Whiteside, Illinois,
USA, d. 17 Nov 1980, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA
+Hiram KARSTEN b. 5 Aug 1896, Missaukee County, Michigan, USA, m. 30
Sep 1922, Missaukee County, Michigan, USA, d. Mar 1968, Grand Rapids, Kent,
Michigan, USA, par. Hendrik Henry P KARSTEN and Clasina Sadie BIERENS
............ E KARSTEN b. 2 Jul 1926, d. Jan 1983, Tolleson,
Maricopa, Arizona, USA
........1.3.3-Wilhelmina VAN HET LOO VANLOO VANHETLOO b. Abt 1902, Nebraska
........1.3.4-Jacob VAN HET LOO VANLOO VANHETLOO b. Abt 1908, Michigan
........1.3.5-Wilhelm William R VAN HET LOO VANLOO VANHETLOO b. Abt 1912,
........1.3.6-Cornelius C VAN HET LOO VANLOO VANHETLOO b. Abt 1916, Michigan
....1.4-Jennie WIERDA b. 13 Aug 1880, Tallmadge, Ottawa, Michigan, United
States, d. 1981, Michigan, USA
+Jacob SCHUILING b. Apr 1878, Netherlands, m. 3 May 1900, Allendale
Township, Ottawa, Michigan, USA, par. William SCHUILING and Bertha POR
........1.4.1-William W. SCHUILING b. 19 Mar 1901, Grand Rapids, Kent,
Michigan, USA, d. May 1948
+Irene Helen b. 30 Sep 1904, Michigan, USA, m. 1926, d. 18 Nov 1995,
Grandville, Kent, Michigan, USA
............ Jerome SCHUILING b. 9 May 1927, Grand Rapids, Kent
, Michigan, USA, d. 8 May 2008, Grandville, Kent, Michigan, USA
+POWELL b. Abt 1930, m. 1951, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA,
par. Edgar Dawn POWELL
........1.4.2-Jacob SCHUILING b. 21 Aug 1902, Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA
........1.4.3-Bernard SCHUILING b. Abt 1905, Michigan
........1.4.4-George W SCHUILING b. 17 Dec 1912, d. 6 Jul 1978, Hastings,
Barry, Michigan, USA
........1.4.5-Robert B SCHUILING b. 25 Oct 1914, Michigan, d. 8 Aug 1978,
Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan, USA
........1.4.6-Lillian R SCHUILING b. 27 Aug 1921, d. 4 Apr 2009, Grandville,
Kent, Michigan, USA
+John KOL b. 21 Oct 1917, d. 27 Feb 1984, Grandville, Kent, Michigan,
............ D. KOL b. 16 Dec 1945, d. 10 Mar 2003, Grandville,
Kent, Michigan, USA
............ Beth KOL b. Abt 1947, d. Bef 2009
....1.5-George WIERDA b. 8 Jul 1883, Allendale Township, Ottawa, Michigan, USA,
d. 21 Apr 1966, Wise River, Beaverhead, Montana, USA
+Katherine VOS b. 5 Feb 1888, Jenison, Ottawa, Michigan, USA, m. 13 Mar
1909, Jenison, Ottawa, Michigan, USA, d. 3 Feb 1962, par. William VOS and Anna
........1.5.1-Jacob Harold Lavern WIERDA b. 15 Jan 1913, Montana, USA, d. 5 May
2008, Manhattan, Gallatin, Montana, USA
....1.6-Maggie WIERDA b. 11 Jun 1886, Allendale Township, Ottawa, Michigan,
USA, d. 13 Jul 1980, Michigan, USA
+Henry KRAKER b. 1883, Michigan, USA, m. 14 May 1908, Allendale Township,
Ottawa, Michigan, USA, par. Albert KRAKER and Minnie KNOPER
........1.6.1-Hermina KRAKER b. Abt 1911, Michigan
........1.6.2-Jacob N KRAKER b. Abt 1915, Michigan
....1.7-Christine WIERDA b. 21 Jun 1888, Allendale Township, Ottawa, Michigan,
USA, d. 22 Dec 1984, Michigan, USA
+Gerritt BOUWER b. 15 May 1884, Missaukee, Michigan, USA, m. 19 Jun 1912,
Allendale, Ottawa, Michigan, USA, d. 5 Nov 1976, Allendale, Ottawa, Michigan,
USA, par. Jan John Harm BOUWER and Jennigien Jennie N ASSINK
........1.7.1-Jeanne BOUWER b. Abt 1914
........1.7.2-Jay E BOUWER b. 5 May 1916, d. 23 Sep 1998, Allendale Townhsip,
Ottawa, Michigan, USA
........1.7.3-Doris W BOUWER b. Abt 1923
........1.7.4-Evelyn R BOUWER b. Abt 1927
Grietje Gerrits van Wijk (29 Mar 1856 Kollum, Friesland - 20 Aug 1915 Chicago, Illinois)
Grietje, which is the Dutch form for Grace, also went by the name Maggie.
Grietje Gerrits van Wijk married twice.
Willem Gerrits van Wijk (4 Aug 1862 Westdongeradeel, Friesland - after 1930 Wyoming Township (Kent County), Michigan)