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Our German (and some Dutch) ancestry

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Birth of Charles Sepke
Birth of Charles Sepke
186 Hastings, Ward 9; 6th child of mother; father Herman Sepke, Carpenter, 34, Rehberg Vorpommern; mother Wilhelmine (Haselow) Sepke, 35, Rebelow Vorpommern
Birth of Clara Minnie Jagow
Birth of Clara Minnie Jagow
1639 W Hastings St; 4th child of mother, all 4 now living; mother Bertha (Konsoer) Jagow, 33; father Herman Jagow, 43, teamster; both parents born Germany
Birth of daughter of William & Wilhelmine (Berndt) Staack
Birth of daughter of William & Wilhelmine (Berndt) Staack
unnamed daughter; 549 W 14th Street; 8th child of mother; father William Staack, 37 Germany; mother Wilhelmine (Bernt) Staack, 36 Germany
Birth of Emil [Clarence J.] Konsoer
Birth of Emil [Clarence J.] Konsoer
6th child of mother; reported by Mrs. M. Peters (maybe relative of child's Aunt Emma (Peters) Konsoer) of 492 Grove St in Blue Island
Birth of Emma Consoer
Birth of Emma Consoer
5 Samuel Street, Ward 16; 4th child of mother; father William Consor, Finisher, 29, nationality German (birthplace not given); mother Ida (Peters) Consor, 25, nationality German (birthplace not given)
Birth of Emma Staack
Birth of Emma Staack
unnamed daughter; 545 W 12th Street; 6th child of mother; father William Staacke, 34 Germany; mother Wilhelmine (Berndt) Staacke, 32 Germany
Birth of Eva Trembacz
Birth of Eva Trembacz
2751 W 22nd; 3rd child of mother, all now living; father Adam, clothing merchant, 26 Chicago; mother Ida (born Stack) 29 Chicago
Birth of Francis Stepanek
Birth of Francis Stepanek
117 19th St, Ward 8; first child of mother; father Jan Stepanek, Carpenter, 25, Bohemia; mother Babry (Dvorak) Stepanek, 22, Bohemia
Birth of Fred Staack (son of Fred & Katherine [Schaumburg] Staack)
Birth of Fred Staack (son of Fred & Katherine [Schaumburg] Staack)
706 W 14th St; second child of mother; father's occupation: "Schreiner"; father's birthplace: Spantekow Prussia
Birth of Frederick Gielow
Birth of Frederick Gielow
2nd child of mother; 746 W 21st St
Birth of George Consoer
Birth of George Consoer
329 Hermitage Avenue, Ward 15; 2 A. M.; 10th child of mother, 9 now living; father William Consoer, Silverer & Gilder, 39, Mecklenburg; mother Ida (Peters) Consoer, 37, Chicago
Birth of Gertrude Consoer
Birth of Gertrude Consoer
unnamed female; 5 Samuel Street; 6th child of mother; father William Conser, Gilder, 31, Mecklenburg; mother Ellen (Pitters) Conser, 29, Chicago
Birth of Gertrude Haselow
Birth of Gertrude Haselow
924 W 13th St, Ward 11; first child of mother; father William Haselow, Foreman in Paper Box Factory, 25, Germany; mother Martha (Kramp) Haselow, 21, Chicago
Birth of Harold Arthur Consoer
Birth of Harold Arthur Consoer
8235 S Halsted St; 4th child of mother, all 4 now living; fathter Hermann Consoer, 30, born Illinois, Laborer ("Arbeiter"); mother Anna (Rump) Consoer, 29, born Illinois
Birth of Helen Catherine Haselow
Birth of Helen Catherine Haselow
1434 S 40th Court; 3rd child of mother, all now living; father Fred John Haselow, Yard Clerk, 30, Hamburg, Germany; mother Rose Catherine (Thor) Haselow, 28, Chicago
Birth of Helen Jagow
Birth of Helen Jagow
1832 Hastings St; 5th child of mother; mother Bertha (Konsoer) Jagow, 35; father Herman Jagow, 45, teamster; both parents born Germany
Birth of Herman Brandau
Birth of Herman Brandau
159 Hastings St; no indication of number of this child of mother; mother Minna Miller, born Germany; father Henry Brandau, born Germany, teamster
Birth of Ida Consoer
Birth of Ida Consoer
unnamed female; 329 Hermitage Avenue; number of child of this mother "(7) Seven"; father William Conser, Gilder, 33, nationality German, born Chicago; mother Ida (Peters) Conser, nationality German, born Chicago
Birth of Irene Eleanor Consoer
Birth of Irene Eleanor Consoer
4447 Union Avenue; 8th child of mother, all 8 now living; father Herman Consoer, 37, born Blue Island, Watchman; mother Anna Rumpt, 36, born Chicago
Birth of John Foss
Birth of John Foss
third child of mother; father Henry Foss, farmer; mother Annie (Consoer) Foss, 26 born Blue Island
Birth of John Georg Prack
Birth of John Georg Prack
289 Franklin; 2nd child of mother Nelly Doyle Prack; father Ferdinand Prack, teamster
Birth of Leonard Martin Pahl
Birth of Leonard Martin Pahl
5th child of mother, 4 now living; 5019 Wabansia Avenue; father Rudolph Pahl, 31, born Chicago, Motorman; mother Lydia (Staack) Pahl, 24, born Chicago
Birth of Leslie Ferdinand Prack
Birth of Leslie Ferdinand Prack
615 Erie St; 5th child of mother Nellie Doyle Prack; father Ferdinand Prack, teamster
Birth of Louise Brandau
Birth of Louise Brandau
3rd child of mother; mother Wilim [Wilhelmine] Miller, age 22, born 14 Apr, Chicago; father Henrey Brandau, age 32, born October, Germany, farmer
Birth of Lydia Staack
Birth of Lydia Staack
unnamed daughter; 549 W 14th Street; 6th child of mother; father William Stauck, 36 Germany; mother Wilmine (Bernt) Stauck, 34 Germany
Birth of Martha Marie Johnston (1917-1936)
Birth of Martha Marie Johnston (1917-1936)
at 3527 South Mozart Street
Birth of Matilda Consoer
Birth of Matilda Consoer
5 Samuel Street, Ward 16; 3rd child of mother; father William Consor, Picture Framing, 25, nationality German (birthplace not give); mother Ida (Peters) Consor, nationality German (birthplace not given)
Birth of May Consoer
Birth of May Consoer
unnamed female; 1106 Schubert Street, Ward 27; A. M.; 10th child of mother, 9 now living; father William C. F. Consor, 42, Mecklenburg ?Trils? Germany; mother Ida (Peters) Conser, 40, Chicago
Birth of Mildred Trembacz
Birth of Mildred Trembacz
2325 S Albany Ave; 2nd child of mother, both now living; father Adam, clothing salesman, 24 Chicago; mother Ida (born Stack), 27 Chicago
Birth of Minnie Sepke
Birth of Minnie Sepke
157 Hastings; 7th child of mother; father Herman Sepke, Carpenter, 37 Rehberg Vorpommern; mother Wilhelmine (Haselow) Sepke, 38 Rebelow Vorpommern
Birth of Otto Marks
Birth of Otto Marks
5:20 AM; born at Cook County Hospital; mother's residence 804 South Washtenaw; mother Emma (Staack) Marx, 26, born Illinois; one prior child of mother, one child now living; father Otto Marx, 29, born Germany, Teamster
Birth of Raymond Trembacz
Birth of Raymond Trembacz
996 S. Sacramento; 1st child of mother; father Adam, clerk, 21 Chicago; mother Ida (born Staack), 25 Chicago
Birth of Ruth Caroline Consoer
Birth of Ruth Caroline Consoer
8235 Halsted; 3rd child of mother; father Herman Consoer, 28, Motorman; mother Anna (Rump) Consoer, 27
Birth of son of George & Bertha (Staack) Knuth
Birth of son of George & Bertha (Staack) Knuth
5th child of mother; 910 Henry Street, 9th Ward; father George Knuth, 26, born Berlin, Germany, Milkman; mother Bertha (Staack) Knuth, 25, born Medow, Germany -- This probably is the infant George Knuth, who is buried at Concordia Cemetery in Forest Park, Illinois in the lot of his mother's father William Staack.
Birth of twin daughter of Rudolph & Minnie Staack
Birth of twin daughter of Rudolph & Minnie Staack
The child apparently died before the 1900 census.
Birth of twin son of Rudolph & Minnie Staack
Birth of twin son of Rudolph & Minnie Staack
The child apparently died before the 1900 census.
Birth of Victor Henry Johnston (1919-1943)
Birth of Victor Henry Johnston (1919-1943)
at 3527 South Mozart Street
Birth of Viola Staack
Birth of Viola Staack
3527 South Mozart; 7th child of mother, 5 of whom are living; father's occupation Carpenter
Birth of William Pahl
Birth of William Pahl
4AM; 522 W Hastings Street, Ward 12; first child of mother; mother Liddia (Staack) Pahl, age 18, born Barrington, Illinois; father Rudolph Pahl, Railroad Car Cleaner, age 25, born Chicago
Birth of William Sepke
Birth of William Sepke
159 Hastings St, Ward 9; 5th child of mother; father Herman Sepke, Carpenter [Schreiner], 31 Rehberg Vorpommern; mother Wilhelmine (Haselow) Sepke, 32 Rebelow Vorpommern
Birth Register entry for baby boy Prack, son of John Prack & Mathilda Gelis
Birth Register entry for baby boy Prack, son of John Prack & Mathilda Gelis
line 8; 212 W. Lake St in Ward 11; mother Mathilda Prack, born Gelis in Germany; father John G. Prack, born Germany, shoemaker; midwife M. V. Horn; reported 8 Jul 1874
Birth Register entry for Bertha Gielow
Birth Register entry for Bertha Gielow
Birth #63 on page: Gielow, Bertha; female; 29 Jun 1868; born at 52 Nut Street in Ward 6; father (age 24) & mother both German nationality/birth; mother's maiden name Louisa Page; father Christ Gielow, laborer; reported by Mrs. Henberger of 290 W 12th St [Birth registers are copied from birth records, but I have not found the original (which probably spelled PAGELS correctly).]
Birth Register entry for Charles (Carl) Schicht - 2
Birth Register entry for Charles (Carl) Schicht - 2
Birth Register entry for Charles (Carl) Schicht - 2
Birth Register entry for Charles (Carl) Schicht - 2
Birth Register entry for Chester Lantz Prack
Birth Register entry for Chester Lantz Prack
Birth Register entry for George David Prack
Birth Register entry for George David Prack
2503 N 12th St
Birth Register entry for twins Ruth Schaumburg & Russell Schaumburg - p 1
Birth Register entry for twins Ruth Schaumburg & Russell Schaumburg - p 1
The birth register entry is from the first report of the births 18 May 1912. There was a second report of the births 6 Jun 1912.
Birth Register entry for twins Ruth Schaumburg & Russell Schaumburg - p 2
Birth Register entry for twins Ruth Schaumburg & Russell Schaumburg - p 2
The birth register entry is from the first report of the births 18 May 1912. There was a second report of the births 6 Jun 1912.
Birth Register for Amanda Consoer - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Amanda Consoer - p 1 of 2
entry 3080; Amanda Consoer; female, white; 7th child of mother; 4718 5th Avenue; father Herman Consoer, born America; mother Anna (Rump) Consoer, born America
Birth Register for Amanda Consoer - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for Amanda Consoer - p 2 of 2
entry 3080; Amanda Consoer; female, white; 7th child of mother; 4718 5th Avenue; father Herman Consoer, born America; mother Anna (Rump) Consoer, born America
Birth Register for Anna [later Florence] Consoer - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Anna [later Florence] Consoer - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Anna [later Florence] Consoer - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for Anna [later Florence] Consoer - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for Bernice Consoer - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Bernice Consoer - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Bernice Consoer - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for Bernice Consoer - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for Clara Minnie Jagow - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Clara Minnie Jagow - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Clara Minnie Jagow - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Clara Minnie Jagow - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Helen Catherine Haselow - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Helen Catherine Haselow - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Helen Catherine Haselow - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for Helen Catherine Haselow - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for Helen Jagow - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Helen Jagow - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Helen Jagow - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for Helen Jagow - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for Leonard Martin Pahl - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Leonard Martin Pahl - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Leonard Martin Pahl - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for Leonard Martin Pahl - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for May Consoer - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for May Consoer - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for May Consoer - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for May Consoer - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for Willard A. C. Consoer - p 1 of 2
Birth Register for Willard A. C. Consoer - p 1 of 2
entry #2648; father William A. Consoer, Teamster, 24 Illinois; mother Theresa E. Reinberger, born Illinois
Birth Register for Willard A. C. Consoer - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for Willard A. C. Consoer - p 2 of 2
entry #2648; father William A. Consoer, Teamster, 24 Illinois; mother Theresa E. Reinberger, born Illinois
Birth Register for William Haselow - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for William Haselow - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for William Haselow - p 2 of 2
Birth Register for William Haselow - p 2 of 2
Birth Return of Charles Martin
Birth Return of Charles Martin
born at 409 West 16th Street; 5th child of his mother
Birth Return of Christian Martin
Birth Return of Christian Martin
at Cherritan Avenue and Humboldt Street; 6th child of his mother
Birth Return of Heinrich Martin
Birth Return of Heinrich Martin
Born at 509 West 16th Street; 4th child of his mother
Birth Return of Wilhelmina Frederike Henrietta Kagels
Birth Return of Wilhelmina Frederike Henrietta Kagels
at 712 West 14th Street; second child of her mother
Birth Return of William Gelis (1879-1922)
Birth Return of William Gelis (1879-1922)
Brooke-Frey Marriage 1896-06-24
Brooke-Frey Marriage 1896-06-24
by William B. Leach, minister -- his surname is spelled both BROOKE and BROOK on this document and BROOKS on the remarriage of his widow 7 Oct 1899
Burial of Johann Toennies Hasemann (1837, Lindhorst)
Burial of Johann Toennies Hasemann (1837, Lindhorst)
California Marriage Index, 1960-1985
California Marriage Index, 1960-1985
California Marriage Index, 1960-1985
California Marriage Index, 1960-1985
California Passenger and Crew Lists, 1893-1957
California Passenger and Crew Lists, 1893-1957
California Voter Registrations, 1900-1968
California Voter Registrations, 1900-1968
California Voter Registrations, 1900-1968
California Voter Registrations, 1900-1968
California Voter Registrations, 1900-1968
California Voter Registrations, 1900-1968
California Voter Registrations, 1900-1968
California Voter Registrations, 1900-1968
Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935
Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935
Carl Christian Fitzdamm-Death/Burial 17/20 Dec 1844 at Spantekow, Germany
Carl Christian Fitzdamm-Death/Burial 17/20 Dec 1844 at Spantekow, Germany
age 45-2-17 == [archion.de] Norddeutschland: Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evang.-Luth. Kirche > Kirchenkreis Pommern > Spantekow > Bestattungen 1836-1857 #2, image 18 == http://www.archion.de/p/2ac8fd50af/
Carl Friedrich Eickhoff-Dorothea Wilhelmine Gelis Marriage 1822
Carl Friedrich Eickhoff-Dorothea Wilhelmine Gelis Marriage 1822
Carl Konsoer Family Grave Monument at Concordia Cemetery
Carl Konsoer Family Grave Monument at Concordia Cemetery
Carl 1895, Caroline 1915, son in law Frank Konsoer 1912; also included are 5 children ranging from stillborn to 1 year old -+- William & Wilhelmine Staack are buried in section 6, Lot 458 Carl & Caroline Staack Konsoer are buried in section 6, Lot 579 They are only a couple of rows apart -+- William & Wilhelmine Staack are buried in section 6, Lot 458 -+- Carl & Caroline (Staack) Konsoer are buried in section 6, Lot 579 -+- They are only a couple of rows apart -+- Thanks to Susan Jagow Pericht
Carl Staack-Naturalization
Carl Staack-Naturalization
Illinois, Northern District - Nationalizations index -- S-320 -- Staack, Carl; Certificate No. 9674; Criminal Court, Cook County, Illinois; Country of birth or allegiance: Germany; Date of naturalization: Sept. 16, 1892; Witness: Herman Jerchow [probably Hermann Jagow, future husband of his sister Wilhelmine Caroline Friederike Staack (1852-1915)'s daughter Bertha Konsoer]
Caroline (Pagels) Rohn - Death-1882-12-31
Caroline (Pagels) Rohn - Death-1882-12-31
Blue Island near 16th, Ward 7 - married, age 37 y 0 m 17 d [thus 14 Dec 1845] - burial 1 Jan 1883 at Wunders Cemetery == https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-266-11678-83201-66
Caroline (Staack) Konsoer, probably about 1896
Caroline (Staack) Konsoer, probably about 1896
Thanks to Susan Jagow Pericht
Caroline (Staack) Konsoer, probably about 1896
Caroline (Staack) Konsoer, probably about 1896
Thanks to Susan Jagow Pericht
Catharina Amthauer - Baptism - 4 Jun 1820 at Grossenenglis, Germany
Catharina Amthauer - Baptism - 4 Jun 1820 at Grossenenglis, Germany
== [Archion.de] Kurhessen-Waldeck: Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel > Fritzlar > Großenenglis > Kirchenbuch 1746-1824, Bild 303
Catharina Martin - Baptism 29 Apr 1883 at Grossenenglis
Catharina Martin - Baptism 29 Apr 1883 at Grossenenglis
== http://www.archion.de/p/087ea234e2
Catharine Karoline Griesel - Baptism 30 Mar 1884 at Grossenenglis
Catharine Karoline Griesel - Baptism 30 Mar 1884 at Grossenenglis
== http://www.archion.de/p/5b0d21b7e0
Catharine Karoline Griesel - Baptism 5 Jun 1892 at Grossenenglis
Catharine Karoline Griesel - Baptism 5 Jun 1892 at Grossenenglis
== http://www.archion.de/p/339fbce2fb
Catherine (Becker) Hunsche - Death
Catherine (Becker) Hunsche - Death
1818 South St. Louis Avenue (Ward 34) - lived at that address 11 years [c1903] - widow - occupation Houswife from 1870 to 1914 - born 28 Aug 1836 Germany - father John Becker born Germany - at 10:30 PM from Senile Arteriosclerosis - burial 2 Dec 1914 2PM at Waldheim
Charles Gelis - 1855-6 Chicago City Directory - p 50 (detail)
Charles Gelis - 1855-6 Chicago City Directory - p 50 (detail)
Gelis, Charles, saloon, 232 W. Randolph, h same
Charles Gelis - 1855-6 Chicago City Directory - p 50 (full page)
Charles Gelis - 1855-6 Chicago City Directory - p 50 (full page)
Gelis, Charles, saloon, 232 W. Randolph, h same
Charles J. Thoresen-Tillie Prack - Marriage
Charles J. Thoresen-Tillie Prack - Marriage
he 24, she 20 - by L. Hoelter, Evangelical Lutheran Pastor
Charles Koutecky and Amanda Consoer - Obituary in 'Southtown Economist' 17 Dec 1925
Charles Koutecky and Amanda Consoer - Obituary in "Southtown Economist" 17 Dec 1925
NOTE: 17 years later, these two families were joined in the marriage of cousins of Charles and Amanda.
Charles William Gelis - FBI German File
Charles William Gelis - FBI German File
Reported to FBI - charged with wearing Home Guard uniform appropriated from his place of employment in order to obtain loans from bank; also was using false name in order to avoid creditors - claimed that he was legitimate member of Company D, Illinois Home Guard in WWI - record does not give results of investigation and charges

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