James Butson

Male Bef 1812 -

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  • Name James Butson  [1, 2, 3, 4
    Born Bef 25 Dec 1812  St Agnes, Cornwall, UK Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Baptism 25 Dec 1812  St Agnes, Cornwall, UK Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    • Source: CFHS DB
    Convicted 3 Jul 1832  Cornwall, UK Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Convicted at Cornwall Quarter Session of two counts of breaking into a shop and stealing, sentenced to 7 years transportation to Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) for each conviction 
    Residence 3 Jul 1832  Cornwall, UK Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Departure 4 Oct 1832  UK Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Transported to Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) aboard "Circassian" sailing 4 Oct 1832 
    Conditional Pardon 1 Mar 1844  Tasmania, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    arr on Circassian, tried Cornwall 1832, Sent 14 y, y in col 10, y holding tic of lv 4 3/4, cause of indulgence: "His Conduct having latterly been good and served so many years of his Sentence"==interactive.ancestry.com/1184/IMAUS1787_114252-00311/98221 
    Person ID I3480  Wesley Johnston's Celtic Roots Tree
    Last Modified 7 Mar 2025 

    Father Peter Butson,   b. Bef 10 Dec 1768, St Agnes, Cornwall, UK Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Bef 6 Jan 1816, Hurling Burrow, St. Agnes, Cornwall, UK Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age < 47 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Mother Joanna Tippett,   b. Abt 1772 
    Relationship natural 
    Married 22 Dec 1792  Marytavy, Devon, England, UK Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • received from John Butson of Plymouth
    Family ID F1066  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsConditional Pardon - arr on Circassian, tried Cornwall 1832, Sent 14 y, y in col 10, y holding tic of lv 4 3/4, cause of indulgence: "His Conduct having latterly been good and served so many years of his Sentence"==interactive.ancestry.com/1184/IMAUS1787_114252-00311/98221 - 1 Mar 1844 - Tasmania, Australia Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Sources 
    1. [S225] Australian Convict Transportation Registers – Other Fleets & Ships, 1791-1868, Ancestry.com, (Name: Ancestry.com Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2007;), Class: HO 11; Piece: 8.

    2. [S51] England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975, Ancestry.com, (Name: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;).

    3. [S226] New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia, Convict Pardons and Tickets of Leave, 1834-1859, Ancestry.com, (Name: Ancestry.com Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2007;), Class: HO 10; Piece: 58.

    4. [S227] England & Wales, Criminal Registers, 1791-1892, Ancestry.com, (Name: Ancestry.com Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2009;), Class: HO 27; Piece: 43; Page: 105.