Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA


Latitude: 42.9634, Longitude: -85.6681


Matches 1 to 9 of 9

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Antonides, Florina  Feb 1900Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I443
2 Boezel, Martha  25 Feb 1877Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I12
3 Brummels, Jennie G  16 Sep 1886Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I251
4 Rood, Barbara Mae  4 Nov 1907Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I316
5 Rood, Gerald  6 Dec 1902Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I319
6 Slootmaker, Jacob  1880Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I325
7 Vanwyk, Cornelia  1 Apr 1919Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I256
8 Vanwyk, John  17 May 1909Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I252
9 Vanwyk, Martin  13 Oct 1915Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I255


Matches 1 to 9 of 9

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Died    Person ID 
1 Antonides, Floris  15 Jan 1917Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I441
2 Antonides, Wilhelmina C  23 Nov 1908Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I775
3 Brummels, Jennie G  17 Oct 1940Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I251
4 Lake, Andrew  21 May 1927Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I9573
5 Moreland, Maxine C  22 Nov 1977Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I2789
6 Van Wijk, Jannes  13 Aug 1901Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I272
7 Vanwyk, Cornelia  18 Nov 1995Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I256
8 Vanwyk, Ernest H  13 Dec 1990Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I254
9 Vanwyk, Gertrude M  1913Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I257


Matches 1 to 21 of 21

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Antonides, Alice M  1900Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I773
2 Antonides, Florina  1900Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I443
3 Antonides, Joseph  1900Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I772
4 Antonides, Wilhelmina C  1900Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I775
5 Rood, Barbara Mae  1910Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I316
6 Rood, Barbara Mae  1920Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I316
7 Rood, Gerald  1910Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I319
8 Rood, Gerald  1920Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I319
9 Sherwood, Etta Bell  1910Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I317
10 Sherwood, Etta Bell  1920Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I317
11 Slootmaker, Alice  1900Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I424
12 Slootmaker, Emma  1900Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I422
13 Slootmaker, Jacob  1900Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I325
14 Slootmaker, Jacob  1920Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I325
15 Slootmaker, John  1900Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I423
16 Slootmaker, John  1900Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I421
17 Slootmaker, William  1900Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I425
18 van Wijk, Gerrit Jannes  1870Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I146
19 van Wijk, Willemke Gerrits "Mary" "Wilhelmina"  1870Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I785
20 van Wijk, Willemke Gerrits "Mary" "Wilhelmina"  1870Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I785
21 Wierda, Martha  1900Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA I790


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 Brown /   15 Nov 1945Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA F3386
2 Slootmaker /   3 Mar 1924Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA F3283
3 Slootmaker / Sherwood  3 Mar 1924Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA F106