New York, USA


Latitude: 42.7531, Longitude: -74.2224


Matches 1 to 43 of 43

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Bell, Margaret  1789New York, USA I9405
2 Cropsey, Phebe Maria  15 Oct 1857New York, USA I8902
3 Davis, Caroline Elizabeth  19 Dec 1831New York, USA I6971
4 Friel, Daniel  1804New York, USA I6043
5 Friel, Elizabeth  1808New York, USA I6042
6 Friel, John  1806New York, USA I6010
7 Grosser, John  1923New York, USA I6197
8 Grosser, John Frank  1893New York, USA I6193
9 Grosser, Verna  1916New York, USA I6195
10 Herts, Albert Lewis  Abt 1892New York, USA I3771
11 Herts, Marion Edith  Abt 1921New York, USA I3773
12 Hinman, Horace  Jan 1822New York, USA I3825
13 Hunt, Druzilla Drusilla  28 Jan 1834New York, USA I5926
14 Kirby, Martha Jane  1898New York, USA I6539
15 Lake, Agnes Livingston  16 Mar 1898New York, USA I8907
16 Lake, Christopher  8 May 1838New York, USA I8350
17 Lake, Cornelia  1833New York, USA I9589
18 Lake, Daniel  Bef 26 Apr 1696New York, USA I5953
19 Lake, Elizabeth Hamilton  11 Mar 1883New York, USA I8904
20 Lake, Hannah  Abt 1836New York, USA I9590
21 Lake, James  30 Oct 1881New York, USA I8903
22 Lake, Jesse  Jul 1795New York, USA I8342
23 Lake, John  Bef 25 Apr 1696New York, USA I5983
24 Lake, Lamont  Abt 1816New York, USA I5848
25 Lake, Phebe Cropsey  2 Aug 1889New York, USA I8906
26 Lake, Sarah Bertram  3 Sep 1884New York, USA I8940
27 Lowe, Pearl  23 Jun 1902New York, USA I1148
28 Lowe, Viola May  28 Mar 1907New York, USA I1149
29 Lyon, Amasa Alonzo  Abt 1831New York, USA I6960
30 Lyon, Rowlan Foster  Feb 1846New York, USA I6996
31 Mailes, Eugene Victorhill  24 Mar 1909New York, USA I2251
32 Powers, James E  Abt 1886New York, USA I3984
33 Simenson, Margaret  12 Apr 1771New York, USA I2066
34 Somerville, Flora Velma  1917New York, USA I6200
35 Thornton, Joan I  9 Oct 1931New York, USA I10530
36 van Deusen Duesen, Catherine  9 Jul 1753New York, USA I9154
37 VanSicklen, Lester Robe  7 Jan 1876New York, USA I8908
38 Verbaum, Jacob  Abt 1847New York, USA I3954
39 Ward, Paul B  1922New York, USA I9059
40 Wood, Daniel H  Abt Mar 1805New York, USA I997
41 Wood, Frances - Fanny - Maria  Abt 1838New York, USA I687
42 Wood, Levi S.  Abt 1836New York, USA I999
43 Wood, Mary Ann Elizabeth  Abt 23 Sep 1834New York, USA I2191


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Died    Person ID 
1 Lake, Agnes Livingston  19 Feb 1960New York, USA I8907
2 Simenson, Margaret  24 May 1813New York, USA I2066


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    _MILT    Person ID 
1 Butson, G T  1776New York, USA I9281
2 Lake, Christopher  1777New York, USA I6095
3 Lake, James Sr.  1777New York, USA I3234
4 Lake, Nicholas  1777New York, USA I6060
5 Lake, Nicholas  1777New York, USA I6060
6 Lake, Nicholas  1777New York, USA I5716
7 Lake, Thomas  1777New York, USA I5980
8 Parrott, James  1777New York, USA I6143


Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 Fraser / Ferguson  Abt 1908New York, USA F1551
2 Hunt / Luddington Hunt  1827New York, USA F2392
3 Lyon / Davis  16 Jul 1862New York, USA F1972
4 Lyon / Foster  1 Feb 1834New York, USA F1977
5 Lyon / Rice  2 Sep 1854New York, USA F1971


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 Lake / van Voorhees  Abt 1783New York, USA F1105