Show surnames starting with
[no surname] - ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
All surnames beginning with F, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. Fackrell (1) 2. Farewell (2) 3. Farnsworth (1) 4. Farrand (1) 5. Farron (2) 6. Federlich (1) 7. Federlick (1) 8. Federlick Fiderlich (1) 9. Feeney (1) 10. Feenstra (1) 11. Fell (3) |
12. Fels (10) 13. Ferguson (17) 14. Fewster (8) 15. Fields (11) 16. Findley (2) 17. Finley (1) 18. Finnes (1) 19. Finney (2) 20. Firguson (1) 21. Fisher (20) 22. Fitch (2) |
23. Fitchett (31) 24. Fitszimmons (1) 25. Fitze (32) 26. Fitze Fice (1) 27. Fitzpatrick (1) 28. Fitzsimmons (2) 29. Fletcher (5) 30. Flieler (7) 31. Flueckiger (1) 32. Foote (1) 33. Forbes (1) |
34. Ford (2) 35. Forster (2) 36. Foster (4) 37. Fought (3) 38. Fowlie (2) 39. Fox (8) 40. Fralick (1) 41. France (1) 42. Francis (1) 43. Frank (2) 44. Franks (6) |
45. Fraser (6) 46. Frazer (2) 47. Frazier (1) 48. Frederlick Fiderlich (1) 49. Freeman (32) 50. Frey (15) 51. Friel (11) 52. Frier (1) 53. Frost (1) 54. Fry (38) 55. Fuller (1) |